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Featured MUMS - From MAD Life, Emi and Kirsti

by The Bonniemob on October 22, 2015

We are lucky to have a network of exceptionally talented mums in our midst and every now and again, we ask them to share their wisdom and tell us what they love about our new collection. This time, we have asked Kirsti Hadley and Emi Ozmen- Prendergast, AKA MAD Life, London's go-to mums for cool kids events and brand representation working with clients as varied as TocaBoca to Burts Bees, to choose their top picks from The bonnie mob's new AW15 and reveal some of their private lives...

What's MAD all about? MADLIFE stands for Mum And Dad Life - it represents the madness of parenting and is inclusive of both mums and dads - we wanted to start something (a parenting network) that appealed to both sexes because in our experience mums and dads are equal care givers these days. We love meeting new parents, in person and virtually online, its the best thing, having kids is a bit like experiencing a rebirth yourself - you get to start afresh in a weird way and new friendships are definitely a big and essential part of parenthood.

Where did you and Emi meet? We were introduced by a mutual mum mate on e mail - met for lunch at Shoreditch House and started our new business there and then…it was one of those OMG how have we not met before moments - we're really similar, have the same drive, ambition and ideals but definitely both bring very different skill sets to our business - we are the same star sign (Pisces) have mega lols together and are officially wing mums for life……We both love what we do and work really hard. Our business is a year old now and seems to be going from strength to strength so we must be doing something right! We would urge anyone thinking of starting their own parent related business to go for it….if we can do it anyone can!

soft denim for babies and kids from the bonniemob
Spike and Silver in Matching Danni Jackets

What will you be doing with your kids this month? KIRSTI - We've just been to the best family resort in Portugal @martinhalbeachresort - check it out….absolutely amazing, we'll be planning a Halloween party of our own for mates and also visiting this place as soon as it opens…..WE LOVE HALLOWEEN EMI - I am taking both babies to LA in October...not looking forward to a 11 hour flight, but can't wait for some sunshine and Disneyland!

Soundtrack to your year so far? KIRSTI - considering I spend half of my timeworking with dj's I very rarely listen to new music….i like the peace and quiet when given a choice. EMI - Same here! I'm married to a musician so i live in a noisy house. My daughters favourite song at the moment is cheerleader by OMI, it's the only way I get her dressed in the morning, to put that on and turn it into our 'getting ready dance'!

unisex knitted monochrome paws sweater
Sonny in Kit Sweater

Favourite books, kids and mums? KIRSTI - Sonny's all time fave is The Haunted House pop up book written by Jan Pienkowski which i think was first published 35 years ago now. I had it as a kid too. A great book never ever gets old. I love biographies - I'm currently reading Patti Smith The Kids and have been for about a year if I'm honest! But for a fiction book you can't put down i'd always go for JoJo Moyes. EMI - We are currently just getting through the little miss collection, I bought the whole collection when I found out I was having a girl, and nearly 4 years later silver is finally appreciating them! Our other children's faves our Meg and mog, I love reading them stories from my childhood, perfect for Halloween too!

Where will you be spending hols? Kirsti - we are off to Kerala in India for Xmas and New Year with the entire Jessett family clan - grandparents, aunties, cousins - like every family we have our ups and downs and some people might think its madness but essentially we're a very close family and we are really looking forward to sharing this adventure with everyone, for Sonny especially, what an amazing trip to look back on and Emi is going to LA with Adam on tour - ROCK N ROLL BABY LOLS!

kids ears balaclava from the bonniemob
Sonny Madlife

What's your top mum tip? BOTH OF US -

We never think we have any right to give anyone tips lol - we're barely keeping our heads above water most days!

Try not to sweat the small stuff so much /Pick your battles - you don't always have to say no./ LAUGH TOGETHER EVERY DAY/ Remember that the tough bits are all a phase that will be over as quickly as they began./ Listen to your child….they talk A LOT OF SENSE and are essentially mirrors of us……sometimes a good reflection, sometimes bad! /A bit of mild bribery never hurt anyone./There is not much that a brisk walk in the fresh air and a good nights sleep can't fix./There is no wrong or right way to parent - do what works for you and your family./Accept ALL THE HELP you are offered and if you need more, ask for it! /Invest in an egg timer when they are old enough to learn about sharing…..its a great, simple, cheap visual aid.

What can't you live without? BOTH OF US - Coffee, wine, sleep, laughter, friends, denim, LEOPARD PRINT

And because we are liking their style, we've asked them to choose which items in our AW15 collection they love the most, and here is what they came up with...

top picks from the bonniemob's aw15 collection